- Constructing Packings in Grassmannian Manifolds via Alternating Projections (pdf, software)
I. Dhillon, R. Jr., T. Strohmer, J. Tropp.
Experimental Mathematics 17(1), pp. 9-35, 2008.
- Designing Structured Tight Frames Via an Alternating Projection Method (pdf, software)
J. Tropp, I. Dhillon, R. Jr., T. Strohmer.
IEEE Transactions on Information Theory 51(1), pp. 188-209, January 2005.
- Construction of Equiangular Signatures for Synchronous CDMA Systems (pdf, software)
R. Jr., J. Tropp, I. Dhillon, T. Strohmer.
IEEE International Symposium on Spread Spectrum Techniques and Applications,, August 2004.
- CDMA Signature Sequences with Low Peak-To-Average Ratio via Alternating Projection (pdf, software)
J. Tropp, I. Dhillon, R. Jr., T. Strohmer.
In IEEE Asilomar Conference on Signals, Systems, and Computers, pp. 475-479, November 2003.